Friday, September 5, 2008

Beauty School Dropout!

Well its a good thing SK doesn't have the world's best hair yet! The other day she and Jack (new friend at school) decided to play Beauty Shop while their teacher wasn't looking. Her teacher was so worried I'd be mad and I just laughed! Its not too bad actually- if you didn't know it you would think it was part of the "new growth" she has growing in. SK has been "hair challenged" since birth, so this is not a big deal. Here are some pics of the front part that got cut, there are other pieces cut, but its hard to see by picture.

Tomorrow we have a Royal Breakfast to attend- SK's friend is having a breakfast birthday party. She is so excited to get to wear her Princess Nightgown- so stay tuned for new pics soon!

I think the bruise on the forehead is worst than the haircut!

1 comment:

e said...

oh I've seen FAR worse! You are sweet to have such a good attitude toward her teacher!