Friday, September 19, 2008

And then there were....FOUR!!

We are pleased to announce that Miss. Hadley Lynn Harris arrived on Tuesday September 16th at 7:27 am, weighing 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long!!!!

All went well with the c-section and delivery. She is just perfect and looks just like Big Sis Sarah Kate. She was almost the same size- Sk was 7 lb 7 oz and the same height- so just 4 oz difference in the two Harris girls. Hadley is doing great- eating, sleeping and pooping- just what she is supposed to be doing right now. Sarah Kate is so excited to have her baby sister "out of her Mommy' s belly" and in the world. Sk come to visit on Wed after all the tubes were out of me and I was able to walk and move around. She was so cute- she just wants to hug her baby sis! Of course it didn't take too long for the "new" to wear off and for SK to discover the movable bed and all the cool things in Mommy's hospital room. She was very concerned about the staples in Mommy's belly and how they would get out, but other than that she seems unfazed by the hospital visit. She came back up today and was very loving to Hadley and told me she wants us all to come home.

We are headed home tomorrow and can't wait to get settled into our new life. Its going to be nuts at first I know, but we will adjust and we will sleep again- someday!

Thanks for all the well wishes, calls, email, thoughts and prayers. Come see us soon!
Look for lots more pictres- these are just a few.

First picture of us and Hadley- in recovery waiting to get a room

Sarah Kate giving Hadley her first big hug!

Our new family!

Giving Kisses!

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