Friday, September 19, 2008

And then there were....FOUR!!

We are pleased to announce that Miss. Hadley Lynn Harris arrived on Tuesday September 16th at 7:27 am, weighing 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 1/2 inches long!!!!

All went well with the c-section and delivery. She is just perfect and looks just like Big Sis Sarah Kate. She was almost the same size- Sk was 7 lb 7 oz and the same height- so just 4 oz difference in the two Harris girls. Hadley is doing great- eating, sleeping and pooping- just what she is supposed to be doing right now. Sarah Kate is so excited to have her baby sister "out of her Mommy' s belly" and in the world. Sk come to visit on Wed after all the tubes were out of me and I was able to walk and move around. She was so cute- she just wants to hug her baby sis! Of course it didn't take too long for the "new" to wear off and for SK to discover the movable bed and all the cool things in Mommy's hospital room. She was very concerned about the staples in Mommy's belly and how they would get out, but other than that she seems unfazed by the hospital visit. She came back up today and was very loving to Hadley and told me she wants us all to come home.

We are headed home tomorrow and can't wait to get settled into our new life. Its going to be nuts at first I know, but we will adjust and we will sleep again- someday!

Thanks for all the well wishes, calls, email, thoughts and prayers. Come see us soon!
Look for lots more pictres- these are just a few.

First picture of us and Hadley- in recovery waiting to get a room

Sarah Kate giving Hadley her first big hug!

Our new family!

Giving Kisses!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Less than 12 hours now.....

Yes, in less than 12 hours SK will no longer be an only child! Just one last post before Hadley arrives in the morning (scheduled for 7:15 AM- we have to be at the hospitat at 4:45 am-can we say EARLY!!). Grammy is here to be with SK while we are off at the hospital, so today we took Grammy all around to show her what to do- SK is very excited to have Grammy here at her house for a few days- its a big treat! I'll post as soon as I can with pictures of the newest Harris Girl! Until then, keep us in your prayers!

Here are a couple of pictures of SK from last night when she took her clothes off and put them on Sadie and one when she put her laundry bag over her head... my CRAZY kid!!

Bottom in a bag!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Counting down the days...

Its been a while since I last posted, our week was packed full of fun. Last week was SK's last week as an only child and I promised her it was going to be FUN! The week began with a friend's "Royal Breakfast" birthday party complete with Cinderella!! All the kids had a blast but the girls loved Cinderella the most! SK and her best buddy Alexis were dressed alike in their Cinderella night gowns (all kids were asked to wear their PJ's) and they loved every second of the fun! Sk thought she would get to eat with Cinderella the next day too, like it was going to be a new "regular" thing we did- she was a bit disappointed when I told her no, that this was a special day. On Sunday we celebrated Robert's Mom's and Dad's birthdays with a cookout at our house. Sarah Kate always gets excited when Bob Bob, Nana and Aunt Becca come to visit. Bob Bob taught her how to use his camera and how to smash her face into the window (thanks Bob Bob). On Monday SK had her first ballet class of the year. She is in a new school this year with all new ballet friends. She loves her new teacher, Ms. Irene and Mommy loves that I get to watch on a TV in the lobby. She can hardly wait to go back this week! The rest of the week was spent going to school, getting some new shoes and picking out a special present for Baby Hadley. I let SK pick out a "lovie" for Hadley, she picked a lamb lovie and she said we could call it "Bunny". The funny thing about this is, SK has one like it that is a bunny and she calls it "Lamby"- too cute huh?

We are counting the days (2) and trying to get ourselves ready for Miss. Hadley to make her arrival on Tuesday. I will try to post some pictures if I can from the hospital, but not sure if I'll be able to, so check in just in case. Its crazy to think that in a couple of days we'll have two sweet girls- God is Good!! Thanks to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers during this time- we are so excited!!

Here are some pics of the week...

Bob Bob and SK smashing their faces

First day of Ballet
New Ballet Buddies

SK and Alexis in their Cinderella Nightgowns

WOW- Cinderella knows how to paint faces too!
A purple flower on my cheek!
Time to say bye bye!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Beauty School Dropout!

Well its a good thing SK doesn't have the world's best hair yet! The other day she and Jack (new friend at school) decided to play Beauty Shop while their teacher wasn't looking. Her teacher was so worried I'd be mad and I just laughed! Its not too bad actually- if you didn't know it you would think it was part of the "new growth" she has growing in. SK has been "hair challenged" since birth, so this is not a big deal. Here are some pics of the front part that got cut, there are other pieces cut, but its hard to see by picture.

Tomorrow we have a Royal Breakfast to attend- SK's friend is having a breakfast birthday party. She is so excited to get to wear her Princess Nightgown- so stay tuned for new pics soon!

I think the bruise on the forehead is worst than the haircut!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Silly girl!

The whole purpose of this blog is to keep folks posted on our daily lives, so I thought I'd share some recent "funnies" of Sarah Kate. She keeps us laughing and is enjoying her last days as an only child (less than 2 weeks now- but who's counting??).

Each night at bath she turns the bath water a new color- thanks to the bath fizzies- this night it was her favorite color PURPLE!

Last night I went to my monthly "Shoppe Lady" dinner- this is a dinner I go to each month with 3 friends who all worked with me at the Shoppe of Vinings. We are pretty faithful about this dinner and been getting together for over 3 years. The other ladies were so sweet and brought gifts for Baby Hadley and for Big Sis Sarah Kate. When I got home Daddy was still trying to get SK to sleep when she saw the presents and HAD to open them right THEN- so here she is in her bed and PJ's opening presents- it was such a thrill for her to break the rules of bedtime!!

Her new "mean" face...

Silly Princess

Wearing a crown is hard work!

Oh yeah- almost forgot the real funny of the day...Someone decided to cut her hair at school today- I was thinking it wasn't too bad till I really saw how much was gone during her bath. Lets just say we have some new bangs for the Fall season! Pictures to follow...