Sunday, May 31, 2009

A little catch up...

Ok- so this Spring has been super busy and I have been super slack about updating the blog. I promise to do better this summer! Here is a little catch up on what we have been up to!

My last post was the night before we left for the Disney Cruise- here is one picture from our fun trip. I will devote an entire post to this trip- stay tuned...

Many firsts...

First teeth! Drool!!!!

First foods

First park playdates and swings!

First wagon rides together

First baths together!

End of the year parties....
Ballet Party

School party

We had some performances...

Sarah Kate did such a great job at her recital this year- the whole class was precious! They all looked like ballerinas with their hair in buns and the beautiful costumes! I am very proud to say the very least!

SK had quite a "Fan Club" in the audience cheering her on and congratulating her with flowers! Those in attendance were...Pop, Grammy, Nana, Bob Bob, Aunt Becca, Uncle Alan (who I think enjoyed the performance the most!), Daddy, Hadley and a very proud Mommy!

This is a shot of the "not so great" performance- no really it was still great, just funny! Here is a shot of SK's school Spring Festival performance, where she decided to rub her eyes and look as miserable as possible during her group's time to sing! With 3 yr old you never know what your are going to get- it makes life very interesting at times! SK's Bob Bob and her Grammy were able to attend this fun event!

A bird decided to build a nest in the wreath on the front door! I am happy to report that all 5 eggs hatched, all 5 birds lived and all 5 birds have flown away and my door is once again POOP FREE!!!

Spring Break '09 was one for the record books! Three Mommy friend's and I took all of our kids to spend some time in the North Georgia mountains. We had big plans of picnics, hikes, ice cream cones and tons of fun! The only one of those things we got was the FUN! Instead we had rain, cold, and SNOW! We made the most out of our time and had a blast in the end. Here are some of the things we did...

Before our Easter Egg hunt- we had to bundle up the kids and hide the eggs in easy places to that the hunt wouldn't take too long and no one would get frostbite!

Watching movies was a hit- thank goodness!

Thanks to Allison we had lots of crafts and thanks to Costco the Mommy's had lots of beverage!

Easter was a fun time! We had many egg hunts and parties and tons of candy!! Here are a few highlights...

The girls and their baskets

Uncle Sonny was coaching Sarah Kate on her egg hunting skills and I think it paided off- she was one of the big winners!

Hadley got in on the fun at the egg hunt at Kay and Paul's house- what a cute bunny!

Hunting eggs at Caroline's birthday party with Daddy and Alexis!

The Summer is just beginning, we have big plans that include lots of camps, a beach trip, a 4th birthday party, a girls weekend and lets not forget (this is a reminder to you Robert- hint hint) our 10 (count 'em TEN!) year wedding anniversary! A very fun and busy summer is ahead! Keep in touch!